Friday, November 30, 2018

Find something good in everyday and allow it to make you smile

NO matter what's else is going on in your life,
that smile will let you through the toughest of days,
Darkest in nights,will show an inner strength you never knew you had...


Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Never give up

If you fail never give up because
F.A.I.L means "first Attempt in learning".
- End is not the end in fact
E.N.D means "Effort Never Dies"
If you get no as an answer
Remember N.O means
"Next opportunity"
So be positive....
       --A.P.J- Abdul- kalam--

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Personal greatness

When you run inspiring , imaginative pictures through the movie screen in your mind wonderful things start to happen in your life. Einstein said that " Imagination is more important than knowledge ". Spend some time everyday even if it is just a few minutes in the practise of  creative envisioning .All extraordinary acts begins with a dream.😊

Monday, November 26, 2018

Belief in karma

People pay for what they do and still more,for what they have allowed themselves to become and they pay for it simply but what they can do is they now have to do good karmas and good deeds by helping others and that their destiny will improve ..

For example. A good baby's karma
Joseph was walking down the quiet road detroit USA,when a bady fell down on him! the little boy had been near the window and his mother briefly taken her eyes off him Joseph had stopped the baby from hitting the pavement, the baby and joseph were unharmed but the mother was in shock and in relieved that her baby had survived..
U might consider is incredible,but one year later joseph was walking down the same road and the same baby fell down out on the same window and yet again they both survived..

So, good karma's never waste it will definitely come in anyother way

Sunday, November 25, 2018

See the positive side in every situation

"life become easier and more beautiful when we can see the positivity in every situation"

lets take an example a lovely roses that among thorns on them a person with an inauspicious thinking would say.oh god!even these beautiful roses have thorns on them and a person with auspicious thinking would say what a wonderful creation of nature-a beautiful roses with amongst thorns.....

Every person has something to appreciate just need to understand!!! guys,Think positive!! Live positive...😊simple funda of life😃

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Happiness means everything

Don't put your happiness in someone's else pocket

Life has many ways to give you a lesson when we don't think it will. In our life we put our happiness in someone else hands and we seeking a guarantee of his/her love. This would be impossible as human being is not perfect, we should always keep hold our happiness it gives us strength to with in the uncertainty of love.

We should create our own happiness, our own meaning our own independence and most important our existence in life because doing this makes u feel happy and satisfied 😃

!!!Live your life the way you want!!!

Life lesson

A great lesson learned from life    there is no market for your    emotions. So never advertise    your feeling. Just display your    a...